Some of our Sponsors
and the books published together with them – our authors an me like to thank them for the successful cooperations and sponsorships. They enabled great literature, a challenging variety of novels, poetry, narration, and essay and made us reach thousands of readers!
The history and details of Reihe ETIKETT and its activities you’ll find HERE.

German Railways
Die Orgelpfeifen von Flandern / A Novella by Alban Nikolai Herbst

Kroschke Sign International
Emergency Ways / Novel by Adelheid Seltmann

Alessi Germany
Der Ablauf der Dinge / 113 Poems on Things by Thomas Schwab

Carl Zeiss
The Spectacles of the Author / Anthology
edited by Ulrich Faure

ART Frankfurt / Interational Fair Frankfurt GmbH
That Purple Goat / Novel
by Martin Roda Becher

Wyeth Pharma GmbH Münster
»The« Pill / A literary Anthology
edited by Thomas Schwab

SCA Fine Paper GmbH
Young European Narrators (bi-lingual edition)
with an intro by Hilmar Hoffmann

Markenimport Wilms GmbH
Rent A Friend / Novel by Susanne Bartsch

Achilles GmbH
Beloved in those other's Homes –
Favorit Books of Publishers
edited by Ferdi Schmökel and Bruno Piperhofer

Tea Shop Gebrüder Gschwendner GmbH
Blue Hour: Tea in World's Literature

Siegenia-Aubi KG Siegen
The Window in Literature / A History of the free View

Privatkelterei Possmann
Cllar of Earth / Poems on Landscapes by Olaf Velte

SAP Systems Integration AG
Ein Literarischer Gang an die Börse / An Anthology for SAP's daugher's SAPsi ipo!
Edited by Alban Nikolai Herbst and Sabine Tost

Commerzbank AG
Ein Literarischer Gang an die Börse II / An Anthology

Airport Hamburg
Dreams of Flying / Anthology
edited by Martin Bullinger

Highlight Film Communications AG Swiss
A Film-Quiz-Book by Georg Reimer

TiK Caps Bühl GmbH Berlin
Switch on! / A Thriller in Berlin's Taxis
by Jörg Wolfgang Schmoller

Salzburger Music Festival
Music over Berlin:
Claudio Abbado
His 13 Years in Berlin

Eurex AG
Ein Literarischer Gang an die Börse III / Anthology

OVAG Water and Power Provider
Corrents and Water – An Anthology

Gardena AG
Writers in their Gartens / Anthology volume 1 and 2

SHEBA / Masterfood
On soft paws / Cats in Literature
An Anthology
edited by Ewart Reder and Imke Bunge

Melitta Home Care
Beute(l)züge durch die Literatur / No Waste! – An Anthology on Waste Bags

Thompson Reuters Germany
A 4th Literary Journey to Stock Exchange

itelligence AG
»Business Heroes in SMBs« – English and German Edition volume 1 to volume 3

Hüttig & Rompf AG
Main Sponsor of
»Our first House / A Couple to Build its Home, Hands on!«
By Katja Apelt and Axel Dielmann

Erfurt Wallpaper
Co-Sponsor of
»Our First House«

SIGMA (Deutschland) GmbH
Partner of our Novel
»Der Mann, der den Regen fotografierte«
by Peter H. Gogolin

Museum für Angewandte Kunst
The two important Frankfurt institutions in the history of design and architecture are our partners for the fundamental book about the »Frankfurter Küche (Frankfurt Kitchen)«

Sparkasse Darmstadt (Bank)
Sparkasse Darmstadt is a friendly sponsor of Iris Welker-Sturm’s novel »aus der stimmhaft (from the voiced)« about the City of Darmstadt thinker Lusie Büchner, Georg Büchner's »little« sister, on the occasion of her 200th birthday.Who but this traditional Darmstadt bank would be a more fitting sponsor.

More to come …
… definitely!