Stomps Archive

The Experiment in Literature
A Lecture from the Year 1960
- Softcover
- in Swabian broschure
- 72 pages
- with 2 facsimiles
- with poems by Nicolas Born
- edited by Dr. Peter Reuter
- and Prof. Dr. Marcel Baumgartner

Peter Reuter and Marcel Baumgartner have taken a closer look at one of Stomps' smartest texts: the lecture "The Experiment in Literature," which Stomps gave in 1960.
Here Stomps has taken up the lance for literary work on the new and unfamiliar even more vigorously than usual, and has also urged the exploitation of the potential of independent publishing to go hand in hand with experimental-minded authors.

Zwischen den Zeilen (Beetween The Lines)
About Victor Otto Stomps
- Series »16pages«
- 32 pages
- Hand bound
- With facsimiles by VauO Stomps

Harry Oberländer spoke twice about Victor Otto Stomps at the Mainz Minipress Fair: at the opening in 2017 and in 2019 at the awarding of the V.O. Stomps Price to the Friedenauer Presse—the essay is the unified text version of the two ceremonial lecutres:
Harry Oberländer’s essay and his equally exciting and cleverly summarized biography of VauO Stomps also accompanies our 4-volum complete edition »Victor Otto Stomps as a Writer«. Empathetically and with many anecdotal discoveries Harry Oberländer lets discover the many faces, interests and impact fields of VauO Stomps.
The volume, whose thread-stiching is done by hand in the publishing house, as in all the volumes of the Series »16pages«, contains the ironic sheet »leer« [»blank«], undated, pencil, and resorts for the pagination to handwritten numbers and figures from the manuscripts of Stomps (some of which we make present on our online archive on V.O. Stomps).
On the cover and its flaps is the facsimile of the typescript of Stompsens autobiographical text »Meeting of the publisher V.O. Stomps with the writer V.O. Stomps« from our volume 4, page 534.

Victor Otto Stomps—The Writer
Cassette of 4 Books
- Cassette of four books
- 4 Hardcovers with ribbon bookmark and dust cover/jacket
- 340 pages Novel and Prose I
- 280 pages Novel and Prose II
- 144 pages Poems and Plays/Drama
- 196 pages Essays and Portraits
- main sponsor: n.n.

Among his approximately 200 poems which are left unpublished there are literary gems as well as in his shorter and longer portraits about people who lived with him/ of his time. Those portraits as well as his fables/tales and novels are a bundle of impressive documents about the time between 1910 and 1970.
His novels »Gelechter« und »Babylonische Freiheit« are cynical satire/comedy of the political circumstances before and after the second world war and the german »Wirtschaftswunder«.
The approximately 20 textes which he called »fables/tales« are mostly burlesque studies. They expound/develop a world which is fantastic/magical only at its surface, a joyfull reading until loud laughter gets stuck in your/ones throat as the story which is told with great consciousness is still (more than) very familiar and can be recognized in the circumstances which are described in great atmosphere and detail. Masters of satire/comedy like Bohumil Hrabal und Malcolm Bradbury are sending regards.
As a writer of deeply ironic plays Stomps is completely undiscovered. In every episode of his work on one hand Stomps thought about the responsibility towards language which is both precise and experimental and on the other hand the incorruptile view on human capacities AND weaknesses.
Hendrik Liersch, Corvinus-Presse Berlin, as well as Gudrun Dittmeyer, Literatouren e.V. Oberursel, and especially VauOs son Hans Goswin Stomps kept Stomps literary and publisher legacy alive with great effort. With them and other partners we will celebrate the writer Victor Otto Stomps in 2020 – the year of his anniversary.
The whole cassette is a work of art as some of his former fellow writers and illustrators are involved in designing and commenting the four books. Horst Antes, Klaus Staeck and Bernhard Jäger promised to design dust covers for the book. Furthermore Christoph Meckel, Bazon Brock, Hans Neuenfels and Uve Schmidt will write prefaces. Epilogues about the balancing act between writer and publisher will be written too, for example by Michael Krüger.