No matter whether libraries or universities, associations or the media – as a publishing house we are embedded in a multitude of institutions. Especially for events institutions are important partners.
M2 MedienMittwoch is a clever informal union of some of Frankfurt's media people. The MedienMittwoch has organized events with focus on a current aspect of the media every second wednesday every month for 10 years, e.g. a panel discussion about journalism or a presentation about current trends in public relations. – I am one of the organizers myself for 5 years now and was able to establish a wonderful event at the mediacampus Frankfurt about the chances on the market of the medium book (Markt-Chancen des Mediums Buch) . – I organized an exciting panel discussion about scientific publishing houses (Podiumsdiskussion über Wissenschaftsverlage) at the Hotel Villa Kennedy. – And a stimulating lecture about the changes of our term of time (Veränderungen in unserem Begriff von der Zeit), especially in the times of the media, together with Dr. Ingo Peter.
The BVMW Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft was our partner when its president Mario Ohoven contributed the welcoming speech to our anniversary book »20 x 20 Jahre«.
I was able to carry out three wonderful events at IHK Frankfurt am Main – their library (Bibliothek der IHK im Souterrain) is a friendly place. I candidated for the parliament of the IHK in 2009 and 2014 and am represented in the media comittee of the IHK Frankfurt.
The libraries of the city and the university of Frankfurt am Main – that's where all our books are represented in one exemplar for the Hessische Landesbibliothek. A so called deposit copy, but also a nice thought: at least one exemplar, however experimental it might be, of a novel or a volume of poetry is stored in this library for those who want to have a look.
The Oper Frankfurt, with publisher Norbert and chief dramaturg and artistic director Bernd Loebe, was the partner for our book »Schafft Neues! ... Richard Wagner in Frankfurt«.
Last year my publishing house, my authors and I have been at the mediacampus three times – it's obviously fun: young booksellers are further educated and it's quite enjoyable to talk about books, the strategies of a publishing house and the special characteristics of independent publisher's in front of these people. – Additionally, mediacampus, axel dielmann – verlag and the Goethe-Institute worked together at the publishers-training in East-Europe and Central-Asia ...
It was the Goethe-Institut which established this program in the former GUS-countries from 2009 to 2011, and I was lucky to develope and carry out two Seminar-Blocks (about the psychology of the exhibition stand and about literature-sponsoring). – It grew much bigger, readings at Goethe-Institutes in e.g Tiflis / Georgia or the presentation of our 12 volume strong edition of Wagner NTA in Oslo / Norway.
Lately the Wirtschaftsclub Rhein-Main e.V. became a permanent partner, for which we publish the yearly periodical »Prognose der 100«. It brought us far-reaching contacts and a brand new network.
The Kurt-Wolff-Stiftung bravely fights for the interests of independent culture publishing houses. My publishing house has been depicted in its yearly magazine »es geht um das buch« time and time again. I recommend spiritual as well as financial support for this excellent institution, which made the concerns of the independent book trade its own.
There are many more institutions to name, they all appear in our events, which I warmly recommend to visit – on this homepage and at our various partners.