Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel

Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel was born in 1969 in Oberstdorf and grew up in Giessen.
He is Group- and Regional Chairman of the Hessian SPD and Vice Chairman of the SPD since 15th November 2013. In 2013 he was the top candidate of the SPD Hesse and Hessian Prime Minister.
In the photo below during the Frankfurt Book Fair in an interview with Thomas Piketty, whose successful book bound »Capital in the 21st Century« inspired us for »Eigentum verpflichtet« (engl. »Property entails responsibility«) and the research of Article 14 of the Constitution.

Property entails obligations
Its use shall also serve the public good - 14 positions towards article 14 German Constitution
- 214 pages
- 14 interpretations
- Hardcover with satin book ribbon

»Property entails obligations.« So it is written in the constitution, article 14, paragraph 2, and further:
»Its use shall likewise serve the general good.«
The constitution and its property-article are now 65 years old – »although a contemporary interpretation is certainly necessary«, how Gabor Steingart, editor of the »Handelsblatt«, noted recently in the FAZ and in the context of the big debate about digitization and mental property. – Our book provides this overdue reinterpretation in 14 articles.
In these public figures and a school class from Hanau formulate their contemporary view of »property entails obligations«. The interpretations of professor Gesine Schwan and ex-federal minister Gerhart Baum, of union chairman Reiner Hoffmann and Daimler-chairman Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt and others are legible.
They target property in the general sense of land ownership, but also mental property, they interpret property in natural resources and the obligation towards the environment, they talk about fiduciary handling of social property and future values, they target pecuniary as well as cultural heritage and many other aspects of article 14 and of »property entails obligations«.
The editor Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel likewise adds the preface to the volume.
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