For partners exclusively
Some of the 30 figures of Peter Sichel’s autobiography are shown hier:

9 years old
Peter Sichel, the days of happy childhood in Mainz

The birth place
of Peter Sichel, Kaiserstraße 28, Mainz, in 1935

Peter Sichel
who came back to his home town Mainz as a young soldier

»Team Peter«
at Flensburger Straße 13, Berlin, West, in 1946

Top Secret:
Peter Sichel and Hugh Cunningham (right), Chief of CIA Bureau Berlin

Hongkong, 1957:
the Author’s junk

With Cousin
Peter Allan Sichel (rechts) from Bordeaux at the premier of »My Cousin’s Claret«

Alexandre de Lur Saluces
and Peter Sichel in front of Chateau d’Yquem, in the 1970th

In 1964
with Philippine de Rothschild

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