Antho-logisch 2020 [(Antho-Logically 2000)

18.00 €
Code  978-3-86638-267-1


This time, 24 short prose authors, including many new and young voices, were pre-selected for the Antho?-Logisch! [Anto?-Logically!] price and invited to the final round. The three best texts, selected by an independent jury, were awarded with a price money of 1.500,00 Euro.

More details can be found on Marco Frohberger's page (

I enjoy the strong, obstinate short narratives. I have get into a small compilation on our Youtube channel ( my absolute favourite passages from it. And this are the authors:

Olga Baumfels
Mesut Bayraktar
Matthias Becher
Manuela Bibrach WINNER 2. PRICE
Richard Bluminger
Alexander Estis
Monika Folz
Marion Vera Forster
Michael Honrodt
Anne Neder von der Goltz
Moritz Greenman
Julia Kersebaum
Philip Krömer
Stephanie Küpper
Jutta Lehmann
Verena Liebers WINNER 1. PRICE
Barbara Rieger WINNER 3. PRICE
Marie Schnell
Viola Rosa Semper
Christine Sinnwell-Backes
Matthias Wabner
Danielle Weidig
Bernhard Weigl
Erik Winter



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