Authors & Books
Martin Bullinger

Martin Bullinger was born in Schäbisch Hall in 1956. He passed his A-levels in 1976, afterwards he studied from 1981 till 1989 German language and literature studies, soziology and philosophy in Würzburg and Frankfurt am Main.
From 1989 till 1996 he co-published the art- and literature journal »LILU« and organised the exhibition room GOOP in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen(1993-1998) together with Anna Fasold. He published several articles in journals and magazines. He is the manager of a wine store.
His first book is the novel »bussard./die sandberg. / zwei liebesgeschichten« published in 1998.
He continued with the novel »schnelle messer. /ein memory.« in 1999.
In 2001 it was followed by the small volume »Geruch der Liebe« (series 16ers) with six exerpts of novels novels from the years 1998-2006 (!).
His fourth title was published in 2002 »saubande / 137 nachtsplitter« – all of them were published at axel dielmann – verlag Frankfurt am Main.
Sofar the last of his novels »du bist sex« (»You mean sex«) about a livelong livetwisted relationship between the innkeeper’s daughter Lio Ruth Rieder and a truck driver with very special lifestyle habits. – published in our series The Mainworks (Die Hauptwerke), bound in linnen, with bookmark.
Martin Bullinger lives in Frankfurt am Main and in Rabolshausen im Hoehnlhischen.
Martin Bullinger has set another novel in his home region – even though the taxidriver, who is waiting at night time for a dubios passenger, dreams us from a known route of a russian organized car theft ring, fantasyses away on a trip to Italy, longs for being in small town cafés, pubes and loves. »Saubande« is again a book, with firm dialogues mixed with detailed landscape pictures – and a unbelivably erotic read for everyone, who likes to read with fingers, tongue and other ends!
So much before hand. Certainly here is still more space for a reception critical examination: the books of Martin Bullinger are not light reading material, readable between a few busstops – one would need a for longer busjourney between two cities, who drives through his novels, to keep on understanding. The fact that he is not mentioned by famous critics, is not connected to an unwelcoming readership. His subtle way to narrate can already be recognised by the fact that his readings fill up like no other secret recommendation, for example in the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, in the Autoren-Café of the factory Kassel, or in the Messeturm Frankfurt ...

geruch der liebe
collage narration
- 24 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

A narration collaged by Martin Bullinger, »insight into a love story and three, four novels« as Bullinger states it. ... Additionlly insertions by Thomas Wiederspahn, »inquired was: the male perspective« and Sabine Rothemann, who asks: »are those stories, that are narrated here?«

schnelle messer/ ein memory
- 280 pages
- no series (außer der Reihe)

schnelle messer / ein memory
280 pages
no series
14.00 € on request
why does this place and the nearby crow head slope attrac me since years? why am I always visiting it’s heart, the old gog-district? because here I am able to read in peace, because here i find myself again in every single line of her, super fast, because I know the gentle blow of the green, the leather brown leafs of the sycamore trees, the murmuring, any type of purring and whispering, because the branches’ weighing in the wind, in the sky over my seat, is familiar to me, loud for loud.
„Yes, I remember. „
„sena bockelmann“
I love the scream of the jackdaws, the bold, lively. I love it, when the huge swarms free themselves of their groups in which they slept, when the freezing of the night cracks with their cawing.
Based on the not quite new situation of two people trapped in an elevator, Mullinger creates an unexpected plot about rivalries and identity loss. – JOURNAL Frankfurt

bussard. /die sandberg.
- 128 pages
- no series (außer der Reihe)

Curious tempos, shifting times, daily plans, which are constantly overthrown – this (and a lot more) are for Bullinger characteristic signs of love... A literary debut, which found its advocates.

saubande/ Ein Nachtmagazin
- 56 pages
- Series »16pages«
- Special edition in DinA 4

In his novels, the third of which is saubande, Martin Bullinger mostly tells of large cliques. However, behind the characters' associatively intricate conversations rather mundane incidents take place, which makes the interpersonal processes stand out all the more: Complex memory pictures and distinctive snapshots in time break forth from erotic scenes, waiting taxidrivers and pursued stolen car dealers.
Bullinger writes his exceedingly accurate descriptions of nature in these complexes just as if it were for relaxation. Their poetic density brings out more and more that Bullinger as a narrator takes the unconventional beauty in our heads and the proceedings around us for inexhaustible, equal cosms of uniqueness. – Go ahead!

du bist sex
- Series Main Works (Reihe Die Hauptwerke)
- 288 pages

A novel about the love between country hotel hostess Lio Ruth Riederer and long-distance trucker Wolfram Klett, which developed over many years and landscapes – or does he only fantasize about Lio Ruth on the nightly streets, while she has long since found or is over other amours? – 280 pages full of crackling eroticism and subtle observation.