Authors & Books
Malcolm de Chazal
Born 1902 in Vacoas / Mauritius. Studied at Baton Rouge University in Louisiana. Scientific-economic publications in the thirties, afterwards enormous oeuvre, which encompasses aphorisms, »Sens plastique« (1948), essays, »Das gefilterte Leben« (1949), dramas (among other things »Jesus« 1950) and mythological studies (1951 »Petrusmok«) and also poems. First exhibition of his paintings in 1955. Works at the phone institution of Port Louis for 27 years. Among others his admirers were Bréton, Bataille and Auden. Dies in 1981.

Gesichter in Zeitlupe
- 40 pages
- Series »16pages«
9.00 €

Translated by Thomas Schwab
Postface by Carsten Garcha

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