Press Commentary
Rheinpfalz: The adventurous advertising campaign of a publishing beginner
Frankfurter Neue Presse: New publishing house in Frankfurt takes care of good taste
Young Miss: The pill changed literature – a reading recommendation: »Die Pille« by axel dielmann-verlag.
Börsenblatt des Deutschen Buchandels: Dielmann follows new business ways, to spread the books he loves.
Frankfurter Neue Presse:
Literature now on the train
HORIZONT: Dielmann-Verlag offers product placement in his books
WirtschaftsWoche: Sponsoring – New sources. [...] a Frankfurt publisher for belles lettres finds a new source of finance: Literature-Sponsoring. In the series »Etikett«, the Axel Dielmann – Verlag publishes books carried by sponsors.
Der Augenarzt: [...] all books from the publisher's series »Etikett« [have] a sponsor. »Die Brille des Autors« is a an enjoyable reading, a gift for those already wearing glasses and those, who maybe will some day.
KULTUR news: The Axel Dielmann Verlag or It's the niche that matters. The list of companies who present themselves with their corresponding logo read like the Who is who of German economy.
PM-Report, Pharma-Marketing: The secret of the series »Etikett«: the topic of the book matches the activities of the sponsor.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:
By all means Hope
Lokal-Anzeiger Nord-Mittel-Hessen:
Small publishing house is practicing with big steps
w & v, werben und verkaufen:
Literature as a new market for advertising? A publishing house in Frankfurt offers sponsoring of books.
Börsenblatt des Deutschen Buchhandels:
Publisher and businessman
Focus Money:
Book recommendation: the story of money: »A literary walk to the stock exchange«. World literature short for brokers.
Spiegel online:
The Etikett of a sponsor on the book cover: publisher Axel Dielmann succeeds with his new ideas.
Kultuzeit Titelseite bei 3-Sat online:
That's why the independent and non-partisan Kulturzeit-jury chooses the Dielmann-appearance to be the most curious stand at the trade fair.
pr magazin:
[…] in public the book is regarded as one of the most intellecutal and cultural goods. / Literature as a factor of image? When the new idea of Axel Dielmann catches on, one day it might be a successful strategy: book-sponsoring is the key word.
International Center, Frankfurter Buchmesse:
Publishers become more and more imaginative in order to react to the challenges of the sector. Cooperation with corporations […] support a second book market, which seems to be more independent of the forces of trade.
Literature – stock exchange tidbit »stories about money can be so exciting. What a pity that some of them end too fast.«
Nürnberger Zeitung:
The novel for the train – A publishing house in Frankfurt has its books sponsored by the industry.
Badische Zeitung:
Literary stock exchange – a small book everybody likes: on the one hand the brokers, on the other the literati, and in the middle the indecisives.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Sonntagzeitung:
Advertising space book. Axel Dielmann gives sponsors a share in his series »Etikett«
Literature Across Frontiers, Bookworld Prague:
Axel Dielmann – A number of his titels have benefitted from a novel approach to attracting corporate sponsorship.