Authors & Books
Ulrich Faure

Ulrich Faure is born in Halle/Saale in 1954. Editor (at the journal BuchMarkt), publicist and publisher in Düsseldorf. The history of the Malik-Verlag (publishinghouse) »Im Knotenpunkt des Weltverkehrs« (At the intersection of the worldtraffic) was published in 1992 at the Aubau-Verlag. Editor: Wiesland Herzfelde, »Tagebuch eines Laien« (Dairy of a beginner), BrennGlas Verlag 196, »Das Taschenbuch Lexikon« (The paperback lexicon), Verlag der Buchhändler-Vereinigung 1998, Hans Meisel, »Torstenson. Entstehung einer Diktatur« (Developement of a dictatorship), Weidle Verlag 2004, »Verpatzte Selbstmorde. Ein literarischer Streifzug« (flubbed suicides. A literary exploration), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 2006 and at our publishing house the anthology »Die Brille des Autors« (The glasses of the author) 1997 and »Antenne im Riff. Literarisches Spektrum von Mauritius« (antenna in the reef. The litarary spectre of Mauritus) 1998. He manages the homepage for his favorite author Albert Vigoleis Thelen, on which the by him produced Thelen-audiobooks are offerd.

Die Brille des Autors
- Sponsor: Carl Zeiss Oberkochen
- 244 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

Antenne im Riff
Mauritanian authors
- 240 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

The stories from the island paradise Mauritius, which are congregated in this volume, are anything but a beautiful literary paraphrase on the glossy pictures, which want to make Mauritius tempting for us.
The first anthology in German language with short prose works and poems from Mauritius.