Authors & Books
Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini was born in Rimini on the 20.01.1920. He was a film director and critical realist, who shot his later films with a liablilitiy to the symbolic. He was married to the acress Giuletta Masina, till he died in Rom in 1993. Fellini’s phantasmagoria, that developed over the years into pictures of dreams, staged the spactacle of live. The most surrealistic italien director of all of all the people invites us to a reflection about reality. What is reality? Where does it take place?

Meine Vision umfaßt 360 Grad
- 40 pages
- Series »16pages«

Translated by Agnes Dünneisen
Fellini's phantasmagoria, which over the years more and more evolved into visions, draws attention to the spectacle of life. Just the surreal of all Italian directors invites us to a reflection on reality. What is reality? Where does it take place? Within or outside of us? Is our memory, which makes up legends, reality? Are real events, which we experience dream-like, or dreams, which materialize, reality? Are we ourselves maybe dreamed by reality, in a big farce, in which we are tragicomic extras?