Authors & Books
Alban Nikolai Herbst

Born in 1955 in Refrath near to Cologne, lives in Berlin. After various book publications, Herbst’s famous novel »Wolpertinger oder Das Blau« (Wolpertinger or The Blue) was published in 1993, for which he was aworded with »Grimmelhausenpreis« in 1996. In 1998 he became fellowship holder in Villa Massimo, Italy, and, at the same time, his new powerful novel »Thetis« was published as the first part of his »Anderswelt-Trilogie« (Otherworld trilogy).
His work is represented in some 40 published books, numerous articles and radio clips - aswell as on his extended web site Die Dschungel.
Listen to his daily online readings series on Youtube - it's most pleasurous!
Foto on the right: Herbst on reading tour via German Railways in 1993 with his novelletta »Die Orgelpfeifen von Flandern« (The Organ pipes of Flanders). Below a recent foto by Shasharad Lowan.

Alban Nikolai Herbst Roman Meere

Meere (Seas.)
- 244 pages
- apart from series (außer der Reihe)
- softcover in special jacket
The long prohibited novel, which was published in magazine VOLLTEXT was finally available as a book in our program!
»... the Mediterranean Sea here before Sicily, Your Arabian Sea, Irene, and the Baltic Sea before my polish cliff; which narrows frequently and which lets me realize, finally realize: That’s love. So now I gave you the answer.«
Again Alban NIkolai Herbst stands with his back to the wall, sounds the headline of the magazine VOLLTEXT and adds: All the more it is pleasant that with »Meere« one of his most important works is now available for a broad public. That writer is worth a discovery. - Especially as he writes about an Artist like Anselm Kiefer in this novel.
»If tomorrow the sun will rise again, she will still find me here, so I can say farewell on your rock, and she will glow against the sea, a flat huge tier of light, which covers up the swells and gilds them, so the dolphins have something to jump through.«

A Literary Going Public
An anthology
- Sponsor: SAP systems integration AG
- 176 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

Unlike his narrations and novels A.N. Herbst edited this volume with Sabine Tost.
Exchange, Going Public, market for shares – dominating topics since the building of the first stock exchange building. In their novels and narrations the authors of world literature have captured and vividly described some especially exciting aspects of the exchange events.
Thereby they examine Hausse and Baisse in their psychological and human background and enter the limelight of the fierce deflection beyond the mere numbers.
It is all gathered here!

Der Engel Ordnunge (Angels' Regulations)
- 152 pages
- softcover in special jacket

With Anselm Kiefer this time on the book cover (and not as theme of the book, like in »Meere« / »Seas«), here comes one more book of poems by the mighty narrator Herbst:
After reading of Rilke’s translations.
As a poet one is concerned with attitude.
It’s the first thing, at last it stands
In it’s hard soled shoes
It’s still there. And what rushes you through the run,
Breaks on it, if you don’t break.
A pride is left of it,
It stays, so you don’t yield,
In many lines numb happiness:
They didn’t bend down for reality,
But rather design the misapprehension
And beget beauty.
For this they stand up for:
Wild and not solidified
Nor pure in the dirt.

The Bloody Grief of the Accountant Michael Dolfinger
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
- 208 pages

Did this accountant really shoot a Minister? Or did he just plan to? In three long sencences the in quiery of accountant Dolfinger is told:
… now I was torn apart, agonized over months until I was finally able to forget my mulatto son, but once, a year later, you only think, suddenly the Jamaican looked at me through her head, the head of my wife, I swear: they were her eyes, what a revenge, some island magic, just believe, I’m convinced, that she bewitched me, but I didn’t want to tell that, but rather simply how I went to the city, at home it was too dangerous, every moment she could come to take me and I wanted to be free, finally free, how I went through the city then, aimlessly, confused, I didn’t know it anymore, what to do, I just wanted to flee, no matter where, everything was foreign, the streets covered with asphalt, which isn’t from this Earth, I was tormented, they laughed behind my back, believe me, tongues like daggers, there was whispering, oh how they mocked me! I noticed that, I noticed it exactly, because I was more alert than ever before, senses sharpened, because it was that way, I was unable to find any peace of mind, everywhere I saw these eyes looking at me, the eyes, Mr. inspector, of my son, but you don’t understand that, how could you, and who that was, who gave me that revolver, no, I wouldn’t recognize him, and if so, no, I wouldn’t reveal him to you …

The Organ Pipes of Flanders
- sponsor: Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railway)
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
- 80 pages

Four times a dramatic love story, taking place in Rue du Flandre in Paris in a organ pipe shaped building, is told - adding more and more background to the figures and their past.
Friedhelm Rathjen wrote in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung: »... the disturbance, which the text exudes is always at least a step faster than the insight of this disturbance and the trick of the text is that no first reader can be really on the height of the sentences which he just reads.«
Still one of my favorite books, maybe the most subtle!

Wolpertinger oder Das Blau (Wolpertinger or The Blue)
- 1.024 pages
- Series Die Hauptwerke
Actually, our first literary »Hauptwerk« (Series, in English: Main Series), the novel »Wolpertinger or The Blue« by Alban Nikolai Herbst, which contains 1.000 pages. The thick and blue yield of over ten years of authorial work of basics and questioning of the narrative. »Thereby the most wilful novel of all resulted, which is to be found in the federal republic literature for years ... an intent game with the fantasy, which generates itself«, notes Uwe Pralle in the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau. »One can read Herbst’s most significant work as a seismographic report of the 80s. However what was here accomplished in over ten years lets us forget about the work of the writing and spreads a fluid of zero gravity, even sometimes almost the aura of a fairy tale of the present, which rather worships Niebelschütz than demonstrates soaked social relevance«, said Wilhelm Kühlmann in the newspaper F.A.Z. He also added this: »I don’t befit to take this novel as a ponderous maybe even as a lasting testimony of our decade.«

Eine Sizilische Reise (A Sicilan Journey)
Fantastic Report
- 192 pages
- Series Die Hauptwerke
- hardcover with ribbon

»Writer Alban Nikolai Herbst loves to move his figures in an ambiguity and to build mazes for the fantasy of his readers. This is shown by his short prose works and also by his novels, among them The Confusion of Temper (1983) and the 1000 page hulk Wolpertinger or The Blue (1993). And now, 1995, the new release A Sicilian Journey, which confesses with the subtitle that it is a Fantastic Report, so it’s not exactly from a conventional world.« Sabine Brandt, F.A.Z.
»In the next days the most recent work A Sicilian Journey / Fantastic Report, also published by Dielmann, of one of the most original and disputatious writers of the federal german literary scene will be released.« Ulrich Faure, BÖRSENBLATT for the german book trade.

To Closest Orient
Love Poems / German-French Edition
- 36 pages
- Series »16 pages«
- hand-stitched
- French translations by Raymond Prunier

There have been released 100 copies with red leather and signed by the writer and translator – besides the standard edition:
Alban Nikolai Herbst submitted numerous novels and narrations, he emerged with audio pieces, music theoretical and literary-critical essays and conducts one of the most powerful literature blogs of the german internet. The current poems constitute his first coherent release of lyric poetry. – While he advances his prose-poetry consistently to a »cypernetic realism«, which combines mythical with ultramodern forms and topics (otherworld trilogy) and likewise incorporates again the old epic verse form with the »Bamberg Elegies«, it is especially thanks to the translator Raymond Prunier that the current little edition exists. He also insisted to make some of the scattered current poems available to the public in a seperate edition.