Authors & Books
Evangelia Karamountzou
In 1999, Evangelia Karamountzou issues »Die Blaue Stunde. Tee in der Weltliteratur« (»The blue hour. Tea in the world literature«) together with G. Gschwendner and B. Birken in the series ETIKETT: »Again and again, authors let a cup of tea become that calm anchor, since immediately the first and shortest article in our collection reckons: As with Reiner Kunze, having a cup of tea is a symbol for a placid little while, an invigorating rest, a contemplation besides the uproar and the racing of the world – a blue hour.«
In 2002, Evangelia Karamountzou publishes together with V. Schneider and B. Birken the volume »Das Fenster in der Literatur« (»The Window in Literature«) in the series ETIKETT: » A world without windows is unimaginable – and when you dip into literature, you realize which special enrichment windows represent in our lives.«
She lives in Greece with her family.
The Blue Hour
Tea in Worldliterature
- sponsored by the tea shop Gschwendner
- 336 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
co-writers: Evangelia Karamountzou and Gwendolina Gschwendner
Since tea has come out from the hulls of the early merchant fleets and has won friends and gourmets across the globe, having tea is admitted into narratives and poetry. There are the most multifarious frames for encounters and dialogues, having a cup of tea outlines social affiliations in a few words, it describes varying moods full of nuances. It would seem that the stimulant beverage tea, which bolsters us up by use of tranquility, has created its own library. – Here it is!