Authors & Books
Rudi Knoll

Rudolf Knoll was born in Munich in 1947 and has been writing about wine for more than 40 years. Since 1984, he has been editor of the European wine magazine »VINUM«, focusing in particular on Germany, Austria, Greece and Eastern Europe. He is always on the lookout for discoveries and particularly wants to highlight the people behind the wine.
He first traveled to the German wine east in 1984, recorded his impressions in a four-part reportage and was there again shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. That led to more stories - and a press award from the Saale-Unstrut Winegrowers' Association in 2004, which was just one of numerous awards. He is a Bacchus award winner in Austria, was honored with the journalism prize of the Association of Prädikat Wine Estates (VDP), and was awarded the Staufer Medal by the state of Baden-Württemberg for his services to German red wine.
Since 1996, he lives in Schwandorf - for him the „wine center of Europe“ with only three hours' drive each way to Wachau, Württemberg, Rheingau, Saale-Unstrut and Saxony. The continuously active specialized journalist, who has written more than 60 wine books so far, is called a „primeval rock of German wine journalism“.
Press: Naumburger Tageblatt, 20.10.2020
Die WEINfeder, 12.2021
All articles in the press: Knoll in den Medien

Heilbronn and Heilbronn Region
- Hardcover with Ribbon
- lots of pictures
- lots of adresses and info
- 248 pages

Rudi Knoll, born in 1947, has been writing about wine for more than 40 years and has become a specialist for the most impressive wine regions in Europe. His view of Heilbronn and the Heilbronn region as a wine country captures a rich history and many remarkable personalities. And he contributes to discovering Heilbronn as a region of knowledge and natural treasures, without which a high culture such as winemaking would be unthinkable.
Here is a brief list of all the winegrowers, merchants of good Heilbronn wine, event organizers, festivals, wine trails—and everything else Rudi Knoll has uncovered that is impressive and worth tasting.
9 All about the wine town of Heilbronn and its surroundings by Kilian Krauth as an introduction
13 An exciting journey through time: The history of wine in Heilbronn by Rudi Knoll
29 Wine from the supporting role to the leading role by Steffen Schoch
32 Affaltrach Schloss / Dr. Baumann
36 Albrecht, Martin
38 Albrecht-Gurrath
40 Albrecht-Kiessling
42 Alt, Wolfgang
44 Amalienhof
47 Trollinger – A specific relation between Town and Grape
53 Der Bürgerwein – Heilbronn’s endemic Red
More Wineries
56 Bauer, Alexander
58 Bentzel-Sturmfeder
60 Berthold
62 Bihlmayer
65 Blatt
67 Heilbronn’s annual Wine Village
More Wineries
70 Cleebronn-Güglingen WG
73 Dautel
77 Drautz-Able
80 Dürrenzimmern Weinkonvent
84 This Gastro People love Wine Adicteds
89 Wine Guide Nicole
More Wineries
92 Eberbach-Schäfer
94 ExNicrum
96 Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim
100 Fischer
102 Frank
105 Golter
107 Unforgotten Persons from Heilbronn Wine World
More Wineries
116 Heilbronn Genossenschaftskellerei
122 Heinrich, Alexander
124 Heinrich, G.A.
127 Heuchelberg Weingärtner/Nordheim
130 Hirsch, Christian
132 Hirschmüller
134 Hohenbeilstein Schlossgut
136 Hohenlohe Fürst
138 Hohenlohe Weinkellerei
142 Hohrainhof Staatsdomäne
145 Heilbronn Bildungscampus serves with Wine Knowledge for professionals
152 Non-alcoholic Wine
More Wineries
154 Kistenmacher-Hengerer
156 Kurz-Wagner
158 Laicher
160 Landesvater
162 Lauffener Weingärtner
168 Leiss
170 Engaged Wine Traders of Heilbronn and Region
More Wineries
175 Neipperg Graf
178 Roth
180 Sankt Annagarten
182 Schäfer-Heinrich
184 Schönbrunn
186 Schropp
188 Schwarz
192 Seybold
194 Siggi
196 Springer
198 Stromberg-Zabergäu Weingärtner
202 Stutz
205 Lachaim means On Life
208 The Wine Brothers at Heilbronn
More Wineries
212 Traubenwerkstatt
214 Wachtstetter
216 Wangler
220 Weinsberg Staatsweingut
224 Willy, Rolf
228 Zipf
230 Oliver Bauer, Rumänien
More Wineries
234 Bretzfeld
241 Pictures and Sources


Saxony Wine Prince Georg
und his incredible story
- 144 pages
- Hardcover with ribbon
- and many colored illustrations
- as well as two maps of the wine region around Meißen

Beyond his knowledgeable enjoyment of wine, wine journalist Rudi Knoll is interested in the people behind the wines and their history and stories. Thus, it was immediately obvious for him to address the career of Georg Prinz zur Lippe-Weißenfeld, whom he met in 1992 and has accompanied journalistically ever since.
The idea for this biography about the wine prince, who acquired the old Proschwitz family estate and resurrected it, was born on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reestablishment of the company, despite many obstacles and problems, but also with encouraging glimpses of light. Suspense is the order of the day, and much contemporary history is woven into the story. And various companions of different kinds, provenance and wine expertise recount how they experienced and still experience Prinz Lippe - a strong wine as well - as economic history and the story of a determined passion.
With a welcoming address by the President of the Saxon State Parliament and handouts on procuring and handling one of Saxony's most delightful products.

Wines & Winemakers
in Saale-Unstrut
- Hardcover with ribbon
- 240 pages
- throughout fourcolored
- with many illustrations
- and maps

Rudi Knoll has already been on the road in the wine-growing region of Saale-Unstrut before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1984 and has since kept an eye on the wine of the region between the two rivers and on the palate.
He portrays the most interesting 34 wine protagonists in Saale-Unstrut, after he has narrated in detail the eventful history of the area from 998 and the first mention of wine. Wine connoisseurs receive informative data. The 14 most important grape varieties are given just as much space as central institutions, such as the Wine Convention and the Wine Brotherhood, Breitengrad51 and several others. Above that Rotkäppchen Sekt and its long company history in Freyburg are also comprehensively told.
The 34 vintners are visited along 4 wine tours, so that the volume is at the same time an enjoyable travel guide between Saale and Unstrut and to the places of wine enjoyment there. – Have a good trip – and prosit!
From the Content:
Introduction: Blooming Landscapes
The rich and enriching History of a Wine Area
A special Geography and its watery Godparents
A bit of Technical jargon – the most important Grapes araound here
Developement in Numbers
Gunther Emmerlich, Wine Ambassador
Breitengrad51 – a young wine association and its aspects of quality
The Wine Convent
Rotkäppchen: A book within the book, and a fairy tail like carrier
Now the Vintners at Saale-Unstrut: 4 Wine Tours
(und bei den orangefarben hinterlegten Weingütern finden Sie unser Buch auch vorrätig!)
1. Wine Tour
Two Rivers, two central towns
Weindomicil Raik Moh, Freyburg
Weingut Dr. Hage, Freyburg
Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut •
Weingut Deckert, Freyburg
Weingut Grober-Feetz, Freyburg
Weinbau am Geiseltalsee, Freyburg • wir danken Familie Reifert für das Cover-Foto!
Weingut Herzer, Naumburg-Roßbach
Weingut Frölich-Hake, Naumburg-Rossbach
Naumburger Weinbaugesellschaft 1835 e.V.
Weingut Professor Wartenberg, Naumburg-Rossbach •
Weingut Hey, Naumburg
Weingut Lützkendorf, Naumburg-Bad Kösen •
Winzerhof Gussek, Naumburg • wir gratulieren zum Rotwein-Preis von VINUM
Duchrow’s Sektkellerei, Naumburg
Naumburger Wein- und Sektmanufaktur, Naumburg
2. Wine Tour
Circling the enologic Epicentre
Weingut Bernard Pawis, Zscheiplitz
Weingut Beyer, Laucha-Dorndorf •
Klaus Böhme, Laucha-Kirchscheidungen
Weingut Buddrus – Konni & Evi
Weinhof Winter, Kaiserpfalz-Memleben
Thüringer Weingut Bad Sulza
Thüringer Weingut Zahn, Großheringen
Landesweingut Kloster Pforta, Naumburg •
3. Wine Tour
Wine high in the North
Weingut Böhme & Töchter, Gleina
Weinbau Roland Bähler, Gleina
Weingut Mario Thürkind, Mücheln-Gröst
Weingut Born, Salzatal •
Weingut Weinwerk, Salzatal-Höhnstedt
Weinbau Dr. Lindicke, Werder
Harzer Weingut Kirmann, Westerhausen
4. Wine Tour
The southern East-West-Trail
Wein- und Sektgut Hubertus Triebe, Zeitz-Würchwitz
Weingut Wolfram Proppe, Löberschütz
Erfurter Weinzunft 2002 e.V., Erfurt •
Weinbau Jörn Goziewski, Erfurt
The Erfurt Wine Song