Authors & Books
Martina Kügler

After Martina Kügler's death in 2017, her friends gathered in her inanimate, cold and chaotic apartment to secure the artistic legacy, as the apartment was to be cleared as quickly as possible. The longtime friends wanted to prevent the great treasure of drawings and paintings from ending up in the bulky waste. A distant relative entrusted them with the responsibility and safekeeping of the art.
After the paintings were saved, they decided together to continue to take care of the legacy, to find exhibition opportunities and to plan a book with the testimonies of her rich works. They wanted to make an effort not to let Martina's work fall into oblivion.
Those interested in her work, exhibitions or the like are cordially invited to contact us.
In the press: Christoph Schütte, FAZ Sonntagszeitung, 28.03.2021

Martina Kügler
Drawings Paintings Collages Poems
- Hardcover with red binding
- many colored illustrations
- 128 pages

The volume contains, wonderfully designed by Uta Schneider, Offenbach am Main, poems by Martina Kügler, some of which she had already published in the volume »Kopf überm Dach / Verse« (1986). In addition, many colored illustrations of drawings, facsimiles of letters, photos - a feast for the eyes!
With contributions by Christine Kallenberg, Georg Bussmann, Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Verena Auffermann, Christoph Schütte, Kristina Ingvild Hofmann, Bernhard Jäger, Adam Seide, Wolfgang Rothe, Thomas Röske.
Lovingly arranged by Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Kristina Ingvild Hofmann, Bernhard Jäger, Ann Reder, Christa Schell, Ute Wittich and Karin Wittstock.