Authors & Books
Dagmar Priepke

Dagmar Priepke is a guest and city guide, and has specialized on one specific street, the Braubachstraße. She has worked here for 12 years as the managing director of the Heussenstamm Foundation and the Heussenstamm Gallery (house number 34) until 2019, and even lived there for eight years. A few years ago, she co-initiated the "Interessengemeinschaft Braubachstraße", of which she is the spokesperson. Read more about the author and chronicler and her urban adventures on her website

The Braubachstraße
– an Urban Jewel in Frankfurt
- ca. 240 pages
- Hardcover with ribbon
- richly illustrated
- available in February 2022

The portrait of a big city street? - Yes, but it's not just any street - it's Braubachstrasse in Frankfurt am Main, which Dagmar Priepke narrates and illustrates. She reveals an example of what inner-city neighborhoods and their streets could - and should - look like in the future. And much more:
Dagmar Priepke elaborates on how a special mix of living, working and life, of owner-occupied and rented apartments, of owner-operated restaurants and lovingly designed stores, of art and commerce, of public, semi-public and private space has emerged in this special street that ismore than rich in his history - and how and from what this lively melange lives. Where its exemplary nature lies.
It is a special urban geography, a city history of its own, that weaves and works here between the site of the first democracy movements of 1848 (Paulskirche) and Frankfurt's Römer City Hall, and which the author makes visible with an alert eye for details and structures. And cosmopolitan institutions such as the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers & Booksellers Association), important foundations, the Museum für Moderne Kunst MMK (Museum of Modern Art) and the Fotografie Forum (Photography Forum) also contribute to the significance and vitality of Braubachstrasse. But in addition, of course, all this is brought about by the people who work here and make the street an attractive urban space.
Dagmar Priepke portrays the institutions and people along the Braubachstrasse and shows them in their living spaces and workplaces. And the book with its many anecdotes (this is where the »Frankfurt Pill« was filmed, and where over a million »blossoms« were printed and confiscated in 1927 in the course of the Tscherwonzen Affair - what?) is richly endowed with pictures of Braubachstraße and its residents.