Authors & Books
Ewart Reder

Ewart Reder was born 1957 in Berlin. Since 1998 there are numerous publications in newspapers (FR, FAZ, nd etc.), magazines (ndl, lichtungen, das magagin etc.), anthologies and in radio. He works for »Literat«, the »Critical Encyclopedia for Contemporary Literature« etc. 1999 he made his debut with the poetry volume »Messungen«. With »Buch auf! Ein Porträt des Schriftstellers Ewart Reder« (Book Opened! A portrait of the writer Ewart Reder) Bernhard Bauser shot a movie about the writer who by daily news paper Frankfurter Rundschau has been called »white hope of contemporary literature in Germany« and has got various awards.
»Ewart Reder writes poems which interest me in two ways: what there is written and how it is happening. Such reading quickens the appetite« Robert Gernhardt writes about Reder – there you go!
Reders »Doppelkopf« (Two Heads) show in hr2 (Hassia Radio station) with Sylvia Schwab is totally marvelous: HERE you hear the Podcast-Download, where they talk about publishers ... Thank you!

Lyrik-Hör-CD (Poetry Listeners CD)
- 41 minutes
- 5 poets
- 40 poems
This poetry listeners CD is enclosed with the poetry volumes that come out in my publishing house from spring 2019—an attempt to make the poets audible and to discover some more voices from each poetry volume.
The following authors can be heard: Wolfgang Haak, Judith Hennemann, Olaf Velte, Ewart Reder und Joachim Durrang.
(We would like to thank Hannes Druener and the Klangetage, Frankfurt am Main, for the careful recording of the poetry CD).

Reise zum Anfang der Erde (Journey to the Beginnings of Earth)
Die Geschichte der Zusammen=Arbeit (The Story of Co=Operation)
- Hardcover
- 348 pages

Germany in 2029. Many different people move northwards to a lake called the »Holstein Wittensee« to live together in a self-organizing commune. The mostly unemployed and possessionless ones have assotiated in a group named »ZUSAMMEN = ARBEIT«, in English: »Co=Operation«. While some of them aswell as their relationships change in such a dramatic way like the whole living conditions around the globe, the community fights outwardly against the deforestation by a natural resource fund from China – the final match about the globalised world has begun:
»Ewart Reder enrolled late into our contemporary literature, however, the more impressively he did.« (Professor Martin Lüdke)
Pleasure-loving Berit stands, freshly abandoned, at the Mediterranean Sea where she lived for decades. In Berlin the business consultant Paul loses his job. Both of them try their re-start at the »ZUSAMMEN = ARBEIT«. Right from the beginning, the 90-year-old Heinrich and his wife Elda, who is barely half his age, are part of the commune. There emerges an erotical relationship-bundle between them and the new ones, Paul and Berit. Other threads of life get roped into it, a wild bunch of figures entertainingly arranged by author Ewart Reder:
»Reder follows the track of his issues, the close relationships to human beings, landscapes, cities, driven by the curiosity of the foreign.« (Anton Jakob Weinberger, FAZ)
Love and the dream of a different life mix up the community, the events go head over heels: a decommissioned luxury liner replaces Noah’s Arc, all of a sudden Africa is a place of refuge and the source of hope for the people from Europe and Asia – in short, the planet is upside-down, the characters involved are faced with fundamental and quite vital questions of their own lifes – and planet Earth itself it is, that proposes these questions most radically:
»If there is something like that, Reder is a public author.« (Professor Heiner Boehncke)
Carried by strong characters, full of action, an adventure of speech, a novel on three continents, a powerful bridge building between the cultures of the world, a smart contribution to the debates of our time:
»A narrator of the great themes.« (Frankfurter Rundschau)

Aufstand (Uproar)
3 Christian After-Tales
- 32 pages
- Series 16pages (16er-Reihe)
- hand-bound

Ewart Reder threefoldly continues telling the echo of Easter morning, three episodes, three after-christian narrations. In doing so he conveys an astonishing vivid and current matter.
The first prose joins in as »Vorrede des hl. Thomas von Indien mit den Gründen, warum er reden durfte« (»Preface of the Saintly Thomas of India with Reasons why he was allowed to Speak). Reder wrote it after a stay in India, to which our writer has been invited to two years ago by the local German philology union. With the finished narration Ewart Reder was in turn invited to the international Literature Discussions in Zagreb. The text is located first published in an english version in the congress volume »Contemporary Literature and Memory«, Zagreb 2008. One can’t imagine a nicer career of a prose.
Following: »Die Falte« (»The Pleat«). With this text Redner stood at the finals of the renowned »Irseer Pegasus«. The completion of the trinity forms »Hände aus Himmel« (»Hands of Heaven«). – The narrations lead to cultural limits. Reder deliberates the frequency of biblical reports and motives in the medium of movies (»Die Falte«) or rather in a feminist extrapolation in »Hände aus Himmel«:
She beared the played grief on the cemetery. She can’t bear the awakening ever so happy. She didn’t know the boy, who is left behind in a hole between the rocks. He was two years older then her son, that was enough. – She also doesn’t know a Parthian, doesn’t even know where that is, that legendary Pars. She knows that there is someone dying and she doesn’t want to hear about it anymore. Can’t one die in Galilee? And why is everybody in a hurry?
The second and third text are new and published the first time here. In a surreal then in a biblical landscape – both quite contemporary – people are on the move who we could know, who we hear on the next street corner, who we could face in todays Israel, Jordan, Palestine. Actually in these three texts we watch the root of Christianity.

Seelenverwandte auf sanften Pfoten
Cats in literature
- Spnsor: Sheba/Masterfoods GmbH
- 184 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

together with Imke Bunge
The cats of world literature amuse us with all of the good traits, that we try to achieve for ourselves and appreaciate on our friends: they are clever and attentive, they are equallly self conconfident and cuddly, give us joy through their playfulness and it exists a quiet understanding, in which we live with them. If we have a bad day, they comfort us through their affection or simply through their majestetic appearance. Who has a cat as a cohabitee, will recognise more of the lovable charactertraits of a cat in this collection.
Obviously you do not want to buy »the pick in a pocket« (which in german is called a cat in a pocket), so now we reveal a few things: some classics of cat literature starting with Tieck’s Puss in Boots and Hoffmann’s »Kater Murr«, to the cat ladys from the nobelprise winner Wislawa Szymborska and Andy Warhols’ mother and some other great cat personalities make their appearance. Beauties with the smoothest of furr appear by the feather of Joachim Ringelnatz, sensitive cats are presented by Heinrich Heine, Truman Capote comes up with dignified city-cats, we are introduced to selfconfident cats by Colette – it is a book filled with kindred spirits on velvet paws.

Kleiderfarben (Colours of Cloths)
- 80 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
- softcover with jacket

»That’s magic: There are senses at work, it flushes and blows and rolls, one can’t only see the pictures, one can hear them.« Margot Ehrich
»Ewart Reder’s poems connect political with personal, past and present in a convincing manner.« Tanja Dückers
»Ewart Reder writes poems which interest me in two ways: what there is written and how it is happening. Such reading quickens the appetite.« Robert Gernhardt

Ein und Aus (On and Off)
19 narrations
- 160 pages
- hardcover with ribbon book marker

What do man and woman, black and white, prof and rebel, son and father, Muslim and Christian have in common? These are exciting things that Ewart Reders stories like »Rausfliegen« (»Kicked Out«) or »Virtualverkehr« (»Virtual Intercours«) deal with. Furthermore everything has to do with everything – fiercely. »Reder follows the trace of his subject, the close relationships to people, landscapes, cities, driven by the curiosity of the unkown«, wrote Anton Jakob Weinberger in FAZ. – A subject, that contemporary story debuts draw through and that the reader hasn’t have to resign in the local volume forms the bracket: The youth is beautiful and long!
»The youth has its advantage, that it can admire someone or something without understanding«, says Anatole France. Ewart Reder is an admirer of the youth, who understands it, i.e. he sees through and is accompanied by consent. In his narrations the young are selfsufficent or suffice the once-young for their luck or their desire. The chapters of the volume »Ein und Aus« (»On and Off«) shape an ironic apotheosis of the youth: »Ein« (»On«) stands above the first seven stories. Six of them tell initiations in a blury worldcontour: the seventies. The youth can only get to themselves; their environment advances faraway, it is crossfaded by the erotic and political awakening of the new generation. – »Aus« (»Off«) are the dreams in the last seven stories. There happens present-day. But there doesn’t rule resignation, rather curiosity how it will go on individually after the end of the common. By the way Reder shows in an exciting way: Initiation is inauguration to the youth today. Through it the ways aren’t designated anymore, nowhere. – »Interloads«, five entertaining interludes connect both main parts. On some bedside tables the book may be spread in the middle first. Disport it entraps to deeper, longer appealingly consupmtion: to the front and the back. Ewart Reder born in 1957 in Berlin, now domiciled in Maintal near Frankfurt, later after personal and professional pirouettes becoming a teacher, after that becoming a writer, knows what he is writing. He writes since he knows of and for what. Experienced and selected things are settled, set, exsanguinated. One time the reader gets the blood, another time the flesh or the bones and always has had enough on matter to digest, which lived and is called literature. For this Reder got several awards.

Verfasste Landschaft (authored landscape)
- 96 pages
- softcover in jacket
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

Take a seat a word
like this could mean the world
»Lyrical speech means here: release of the conventions of everyday life and examination of the ritualized habit of thinking and seeing.« (Frankfurter Rundschau, daily news paper)
You words
take a seat