Authors & Books
Asher Reich

Asher Reich was born on September 5, 1937 in Jerusalem. He spent his childhood in orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem. At the age of 18 he decided to leave the Orthodox quarter and after his military service he studied Hebrew literature and philosophy at the University of Jerusalem. His first volume of poetry was published in 1961, which won the Anne Frank Award.
Since then ten volumes of poetry, a novel and a radio plays have been published. 1984 Asher Reich was as Writer in Residence guest at the Iowa University (USA). In 1988 he won the Literature Prize of the Israeli publisher organization. In 1989 he won the literary prize of the israeli Prime Minister. In 1990 he got an DAAD scholarship in Berlin, and in 1992 a selection of his poems, which have been translated into several languages, was published by Rowohlt. After he was honored with the award of the Grand Prize of the President of Israel in May 2000, Asher Reich's work has been honored once again outstanding.

Tel Aviver Ungeduld
- 108 pages
- Series Die Hauptwerke

Translated by Lydia Böhmer and Werner Söllner