Authors & Books
Michael Rieth

Self portrait
A sonnet cycle
2 times 16 sonnets
- 40 pages
- Series »16pages«
- Hand-stitched
- Two-sided legible edition
9.00 €

Space and time / time and space
2 times 15 poems
- 40 pages
- Series »16pages«
- Hand-stitched
- Two-sided legible edition
9.00 €

Just like before in his other two booklets in our series »16 pages«, Michael Rieth here complied a series of poems at one time in a stringent form and a second time in decomposed rhythms. 15 triolets are confronted with 15 triodes, decomposed triolets.

Re-Spectaculum Duino
2 times 10 elegies
- 28 pages
- Series »16pages«
- Hand-stitched
- Two-sided legible edition
9.00 €

A cycle of 10 poems, once in the form of an elegy and once in free lines.

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