Authors & Books
Manfred Rossa

Manfred Rossa was born on March 13, 1939 in Damfelde. 1945 his family fled from the Red Army and went to northern Bavaria. He finished school (Liebigschule in Frankfurt / Main) in 1958. – In this time he met the classmates, with whom he began to write and collect the two of him published books. He has been awarded with the Federal Cross of Merit for his commitment to the story of his Silesian / Polish homeland. And he is also characterised by his varied involvements in a very special way, as the Frankfurter Rundschau knows.

Wir Nachkriegskinder
In a bright future
memories of an A-level class
- 352 pages
- softcover with many pictures
- follow up volume to »Mein Kriegsende«

An A-level class of 1958 remembers.
In 2005 a Frankfurter A-level class brought the book »Mein Kriegsende« (My end of war) forward – one of the first large documentations, how the children of that time experienced the transition from the experiences in the war to the years of peace. – Now the class of the now 70-year-olds continues their memories.
After a short review of the traces and influences of the first book, 19 reports of the childhood follow – the former pupils have divided their reports accordingto the zones of occupation, from where they came, and after the way of their escape, they took after the end of the war. Through this the volume draws the ways of the lives and suffering of the children in a historical-political, but also in their own emotional arrangement.
The aspect of transition from one society system to another, looking back through the point of view of young people, always plays a central role.
On top of an overview about the afterwar time in general, inriched by some feuilletonistic remarks, the school time after the war and the coming together of the class in the Bockenheimer Liebigschule, with a portrait of the class teacherDr. Fleckstein, is given. Five of the former peupils and their stories are also introduced through portraits form the FAZ »A class of its own« (Stange, Rossa, Völker, Frankenberg, Scherzer) – and some of their classmates show in their texts important themes and switch stands of their live.
Numerous unpublished photos make the second volume of the A-level class a document of time of a special forcefullness and denseness. – The untiering work of publisher Manfred Rossa, on the first volume together with Manfred Walther, now together with Dieter Frankenberg, had the goal, which is strengthend in the subtitle: to strengthen next to the oppressive past the future – »Nach Krieg und Not in eine hellere Zukunft« (after war and suffering to a brighter future)!

Mein Kriegsende Kindheit im Dritten Reich und danach
Memories of an A-level class
- 352 pages
- apart from series (außer der Reihe)

They succeeded in adding a central, fundamentally new dimension to the publications about childhood in the Third Reich, which were published in the last years: They get a chance to speak, without comment, without editorial preselection or rubrication.
Life's journeys of the retired marketing directors, professors, physicists, businessmen, sportswriters and theater theorists got as different as their ways and detours to Frankfurt and the Liebigschule. The human value of this book is determined by the very personal memories and the still very present experiences. It obtains its historical importance since this class was representatively thrown together by the war and the postwar turmoil.
»Mein Kriegsende« is a »classwork« from start to finish: Since their A levels in 1958 the class of the Liebigschule in Frankfurt am Main held together, a hard core gathered for a class meeting every year. So, the idea for this book arose in 1995:
Out of a night talk the former pupils told each other how they had experienced war's end as children. How they, born in all parts of the then »Greater German Reich« experienced the fire in Dresden, Hanau's destruction, the persecution by the invading Red Army, the awefully last violent actions by Volkssturm and scattered Hitlerjungen, partly only a few years older then themselves ?
From the conception and the reports, from the historic explanations up to the draft for the title and its graphic, this volume is the work of the school class. A new glimpse in the devastatingly last years of the Hitler regime and the immediate post-war era, from which emerges 16 times »Childhood in the Third Reich and after«. The reports are supplemented with short historical overviews and background information on the experiences of the pupils of old.
The high-school graduates of old tell from the daily routine of the children during war and from the escape of the children and their mothers from terror bombing. They bring forward the difficult father-son relationships as background of a whole generation and its development – and the oppressive taboo issue of their childhoods, the persecution of the Jews.
The former grammar-school boys devoted this book on the one hand to their mothers – the true heroines of war and the post-war era – and on the other hand to one, whom they can only call a »fluke« in their young lives:
»What made this decades-long cohesion and, therefore, also this book possible, was – what many of us realized later on – especially the way in which our class teacher Dr. Helmuth Fleckenstein ran the class.«
Each of the ex-pupils attached a short life to his article, and a variety of photos from the family albums illustrate the history and the stories of a generation, which was fortunately too young to be collected and indoctrinated as »cubs« by the Nazi regime, but already old and alert enough to grasp the war in its whole extent – and to today warn against it with their publication.