Authors & Books
Magnus Vattrodt

Magnus Vattrodt was born in 1972 in Karlsruhe and studied at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. His first novel is »Managuaspiele« (engl. »Managua games«). – He lives in Cologne as a free scriptwriter since 2001. Most recently the thriller »Das verlorene Kind« (engl. »The lost child«) was on tv, at the series of »TATORT«, Germany 2006, direction: Jobst Oetzmann, script: Magnus Vattrodt and Jobst Christian Oetzmann. camera: Hanno Lentz, music: Dieter Schleip. With: Udo Wachtveitl, Miroslav Nemec, Michael Fitz, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Lena Stolze, Max Herbrechter, Sophie von Kessel, Ralph Misske.

Managua games
- 422 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)

A ravishing novel about Nicaragua and overall South America, a pursuit on many levels, a book about a couple and its flights, a tribute to the life in and for hotels, a science fiction, which arises from the time difference between southern and northern hemisphere of the world, a family history, in which everything that life plannings want to avoid goes wrong, a crime novel with one of the most likeable inspectors one can imagine, clumsy, but with a true good nose, a book about the forgetting and hardship of remembering, for which the protagonist – one of the many protagonists of this book! – made a nice invention: the Managua games!