Authors & Books
Otium (Clique of Students)
The publisher of the journal OTIUM are (amongst others) the students Alexandru Bulucz (comparative literature), Andreas Engelmann (law, philosophy), Jakub Gawlik (comparative literature and philosophy), Corinna hackel (comparative literature and Romance studies), Ossian Hain (theater-, film- and mediasience and linguistics), Jim Igor Kallenberg (musicology), Philipp Stadelmaier and Aaron Zielinski (philosophy, art history and sociology).
In OTIUM they do not publish about philosophy and literature, already exsisting position are not only reflected; because OTIUM itself consits of and for literature, philosophy and photography. »Every word is time spent for leisure... The heterogenous articles are contendwise bound together, which reffers one to the other is the fact that they compose themselves around the others and probably condem themselves . Through each article as independent, closed fragment of an idea, which adjust without pressure«, say the publishers of the journal- which might be also applicaple for their book »Bildungsnähe(n)« and their 8 conversations.
Articles of OTIUM are frequnently posted on the plattform Faustkultur, where a preprint of an abstract of a long conversation with the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nany can be found.
- 84 pages
- Din A 5, saddle stitch
- two colour printing
Issue no. X of the newspaper OTIUM contains articles by Alexandru Bulucz, Andreas Engelmann, Viktor Fritzenkötter, Ossian Hain, Sarah Schuster, Coco Hackel, Martin Piekar, Aaron Zielinski, Jakub Gavlik, Björn Kuhligk, Marcus Roloff and Tom Schulz.
The booklet is designed by Lydia Efstathidou, promoted by the Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, the project counselor and the AStA of the University Frankfurt am Main.
The photos show members of the editorial team of OTIUM at various performance-readings, for example at the MedienMittwoch in the HfG Offenbach at February 11, 2015.
![Bildungsnähe(n) Bildungsnähe(n)](
8 hours, 8 conversations
- 224 pages
- Hardcover bound by black string
What can be taken serious with education? This question will be dealt with in the redactorial office of a journal, which is called OTIUM. And this question motivates the editors of the journal to get into a conversation with »forming people«: about the creation of art, poetry, theatre, music and philosophy.
Dialogue partners are Norbert Abels, the scenario editor of the Frankfurth opera, Janina Audick, a stage- and costumedesigner, Rolf Riehm, a composer, whose opera »Sirenen« premiered at Frankfurth, Jean-Luc Nancy, a french philosopher (brilliantly edited in German by the colleagues from diaphanes Verlag), Sascha Nathan, a stage actor, Thomas Pletzinger,a writer and translator, Valery Tscheplanowa, a singer, stage and film actress and Adam Zagajewski, a polish writer.
It is a volume about creation as a process, about canon, the traditions, the frame and a limitation between an interview and a conversation, which is crossed both always and never. Each usage affirms and changes the meaning of a term- to affirm and change the term of creation will be tried between these two bookcovers.
Three of the conversations (with Jean-Luc Nancy, Valery Tscheplanowa and Sascha Nathan) will be accompanied with a series of photoportraits by Coco Hackel.
![Codename: Nalan Tri](