Authors & Books
Manfred Röschlau

Manfred Röschlau worked for a german marketing board until he retired. He is married, has a daughter and lives in Frankfurt am Main.
Have a look at his homepage It’s worth it!

Alles nur Ach
- softcover
- 160 pages

To pull the covers craftly off certainly fulfills the fact of some de-idealisation. So life isn’t always that easy. More rarely is it twofold indeed.
2008 Manfred Röschlau submitted the poetry volume Titel des Buchs auf englisch by suspecting that the reality of life holds broad space for the documentation of repeatedly new developments of not trustful incidents.
The now submitted volume reflects therefore anew rhymed nonsense of lived lifes and circumstances.

- 186 pages
- cardcover with ribbon page maker

Stéphane Mallarmé’s dictum »verses are not made with ideas but with words« is one of the basic positions of Manfred Röschlau – and is likewise the slogan of his first poetry volume. Manfred Röschlau began to write in the early 90s although economic topics and situations of the working environement were the focal point. Heinz Erhardt, Theo Lingen, Christian Morgenstern are the satirists who he names as a guiding principle. Peter Handke offending the audience and Robert Gernhard’s art of the punchline are the examples which form the caprioles of his own poems.
The benchmark – when one is inaugurated,
tells something about long and broad,
how high the woods, how broad the country,
how deep the sea, how wet the sand.
But if one scales the human aspect,
the benchmark gets into lies,
at least out of step.
Too many have a say in here.
Congenially is the cover illustration made by the renowened belgian illustrator Johan de Moor: headfirst Röschlau plunges into current topics, nonetheless he calmly relishes his pipe and he doesn’t care if the rope on which he hangs his poems is too thick or too thin. – Manfred Röschlau’s sketch-pad increases despite the current publications and lets expect some more effrontery.