The author Siegfried Schröpf lives in Amberg, near Nürnberg. He is married and has three children. 2018 and 2019 he worked for his company for one year in Santiago de Chile, a time that provided him with the basics for his fourth novel »Thomas Schöngeist and the Chilenian Girl«.

The qualified psychologist and economist chairs his own international solar energy company. After »Schöngeist«, his first novel, the sequel »Dicht dran« (engl. »Very close«) was published. After this we published one of his short story in our series »16pages«. »Breslauer Schatten« (engl. »Shadow of Breslau«) is a further sequel of the first two economic crimes.

More informations about Siegfried Schröpfs reoccuring hero Thomas Schöngeist and his »life outside the books« see: