Authors & Books
Katja Apelt & Axel Dielmann

Katja Apelt was working as an author and a journalist for several media, today she is working in public relations. Furthermore, she holds a Diploma in Wines & Spirits and is member of the »Club der Weinakademiker« where she is responsible for PR, both national and international. – She is strongly involved with upgrading the in-house wine cellar …

Our First House
- Hardcover
- 240 pages
- Main Sponsor: Hüttig & Rompf AG
- and partners of our chapters

Low interest rates, attractive real estate offers, comfortable living conditions – it makes sense for an increasing number of people in Germany, to get their own house as it is common in England or Italy. Who is brave enough to do it will experience a big adventure: Building or reconstructing a house comes up – in addition to a lot of new experiences. Therefore our book »Our first house« will work miracles as an encourager!
In 40 chapters the different aspects of buying and reconstructing a house will be presented. Personal experiences of a couple that is rebuilding a house is combined with the professional view of experts. Different parts of the product and service sector will be included, from the financing and the credit possibilities over the aspect of choosing tiles and fittings up to thermal insulation and the exchange of windows and so on … The several chapters include 5 to 7 pages that are accentuate with some pictures from the practice. – The volume will be published in the Series LABEL, but not as usual with just our single main sponsoring partner Hüttig & Rompf AG, but with additional partners for each chapter.
On one hand the book is for entertaining the audience with all the accidents and mishaps but on the other hand it also gives practical tips and encouragements: Go on! You can do it! Proceed with some good advice!
Due to the big number of the annual house purchases, a big readership could be expected. Moreover, the book will be sold by all relevant distributors concerning the house construction. Furthermore the book will be published as an e-book version as well (ISBN 978-3-86638-225-1 for 9,99 Euro).
Our main sponsoring of this book is Hüttig & Rompf AG
Soon, here you'll find the partners of the single chapters of the book and dates for first readings – keep looking!