Authors & Books
Thorsten Casmir
Casmir was born in 1960. After he studied English Studies, Philosophy, Soziology, he worked till 1991 as staff- and companyconsultant. Since 1992 he worked as co-editor of the literature journal in Mainz »Zeichen und Wunder« (»Signs and Wonder«) – Casmir died of aids in 1994, only one month bevor his novel »Ohnsgond«, about an island situated at the coast of norway, that is »coated« with aids, was published.
- 455 pages
- Series Main Works (Reihe Die Hauptwerke)
The novel was published shortly after the tragic death of its author Thorsten Casmir: just like the population of his harsh, allegorical island Ohnsgrond he was suffering from Aids. Just like the young doctor, who in the novel subserves the rustic peasant population offshore Norway, Casmir saw sophisticated ignorance as the only reaction to medieval scourges of human kind. A sinister novel about a – almost – hopeless fight.