Authors & Books
September 29th, 1993
A reading with Alban Nikolai Herbst from his book »Orgelpfeifen von Flandern« take place in a EuroCity Train of the Bundesbahn on the rail route from Frankfurt to Paris. Four radio and five print journalists accompany the trip and report from their journey through the different stations where the Bundesbahn distributed 15.000 flyers and posters. The reading is audible in the whole train and two interns are selling the first copies under the passengers. It is worth taking the train from time to time!
A Literary Going Public
An anthology
- Sponsor: SAP systems integration AG
- 176 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
Unlike his narrations and novels A.N. Herbst edited this volume with Sabine Tost.
Exchange, Going Public, market for shares – dominating topics since the building of the first stock exchange building. In their novels and narrations the authors of world literature have captured and vividly described some especially exciting aspects of the exchange events.
Thereby they examine Hausse and Baisse in their psychological and human background and enter the limelight of the fierce deflection beyond the mere numbers.
It is all gathered here!
The Organ Pipes of Flanders
- sponsor: Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railway)
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
- 80 pages
Four times a dramatic love story, taking place in Rue du Flandre in Paris in a organ pipe shaped building, is told - adding more and more background to the figures and their past.
Friedhelm Rathjen wrote in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung: »... the disturbance, which the text exudes is always at least a step faster than the insight of this disturbance and the trick of the text is that no first reader can be really on the height of the sentences which he just reads.«
Still one of my favorite books, maybe the most subtle!