Authors & Books
Constance Hotz

Born in Müllheim/Baden in 1954, she studied German and English in Constance and Bristol/England, with a doctorate with a thesis on Ingeborg Bachmann. Self-employed copywriter. Numerous literary publications – including essays, short stories, novel. Member of the Meersburger Autorenrunde.
2019 first city recorder of Neu-Ulm.
Some of her publications: Die Schwestern Padrun, Kurzgeschichte. In: Landmarken, Seezeichen. Texte der Meersburger Autorenrunde, Waldburg 2001. Vier Tage im März, Roman, St. Moritz 2007, 2. Auflage, Waldburg 2014. Vier Kürzestgeschichten, Kurzgeschichten. In: Aber es gab noch einen anderen Fisch. Poesie und Prosa der Meersburger Autorenrunde, Meersburg 2011. Das Stühlchen, Kurzgeschichte, In: Der Mauerläufer, Jahresheft für Literatur und Kunst, 2016.

Neu-Ulm lies by the Sea
Through the City
- 104 pages Hardcover in colored typography
- with 6 colored illustrations by Lotta Mayerle
- with friendly support from the city Neu-Ulm

This 150-part prose was created by Constance Hotz in the Neu-Ulm city writer's office: Literature and the beautiful book – and we have a very beautiful one here! – have acquired an important significance that cannot be overestimated in our world, which is becoming faster and faster: they are places of deceleration and reflection for us, they are dwellings for concentration and clarity and instruments of self-orientation. While we are increasingly losing this orientation elsewhere. And books and literature are at the same time the basis for access to worlds that we have become accustomed to overlooking. Literary books are well-focused spectacles into the big wide world for each of us.
A great opportunity arises - to put on these glasses and use the literary gaze of writers when these authors look out into the world from their own native spot. This is what has happened with Neu-Ulm's first city writer: With her, Neu-Ulm now stands in eloquent proximity to Stuttgart and Tübingen, to Mannheim and Magdeburg, to Salzburg and Trier, to Zurich and Gotha, Erfurt and Bayreuth, and a total of two dozen open-minded cities that invite a city writer to join them. And so Constance Hotz has focused on us for a few months, she has adopted Neu-Ulm as the navel of the world. That flatters the people of Neu-Ulm, just as it does all the townspeople in other cities.