Authors & Books
Harry Oberländer

Harry Oberländer, born in 1950, lives as freelance writer and journalist in Frankfurt / Main, and is the CEO of the Hessischen Literaturforum in the Mousonturm. Editor-in-chief of literary magazine »L« (formerly »Hessischer Literaturbote«). Serveral literary publications in magazines and anthologies. Leonce-and-Lena-price, Darmstadt 1973. – Volumes of poetry: »Ein paar Dinge, von denen ich weiß« (engl. »A few things, I know about«, Berlin, Karin Kramer Verlag), »Garten Eden, Achterbahn« (engl. »Garden of Eden, roller coaster«, Gießen, Edition Literarischer Salon, 1988), »Luzifer's Lightshow« (1996 at our publishing house). – Serveral works in radio, at least »Fundstücke des Jahrhunderts« (engl. »Found objects of the century«, Saarländischer Rundfunk/ Patmos Verlag 2000).

Zwischen den Zeilen (Beetween The Lines)
About Victor Otto Stomps
- Series »16pages«
- 32 pages
- Hand bound
- With facsimiles by VauO Stomps

Harry Oberländer spoke twice about Victor Otto Stomps at the Mainz Minipress Fair: at the opening in 2017 and in 2019 at the awarding of the V.O. Stomps Price to the Friedenauer Presse—the essay is the unified text version of the two ceremonial lecutres:
Harry Oberländer’s essay and his equally exciting and cleverly summarized biography of VauO Stomps also accompanies our 4-volum complete edition »Victor Otto Stomps as a Writer«. Empathetically and with many anecdotal discoveries Harry Oberländer lets discover the many faces, interests and impact fields of VauO Stomps.
The volume, whose thread-stiching is done by hand in the publishing house, as in all the volumes of the Series »16pages«, contains the ironic sheet »leer« [»blank«], undated, pencil, and resorts for the pagination to handwritten numbers and figures from the manuscripts of Stomps (some of which we make present on our online archive on V.O. Stomps).
On the cover and its flaps is the facsimile of the typescript of Stompsens autobiographical text »Meeting of the publisher V.O. Stomps with the writer V.O. Stomps« from our volume 4, page 534.

Lucifer's Lightshow
- 80 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)