Authors & Books
Iris Welker-Sturm
Iris Welker-Sturm combines texts, pictures and object-art, which result in text-objects and reading-concerts.
Her publications to date, in addition to numerous anthology contributions, include the volume »und zur Begrüßung hab ich tschüs gesagt«, Patio-Verlag, Darmstadt 2001, as well as »das unerhörte zwischen. gedichte & mokka kaos«, Verlag auf der Warft, Münster und Hamburg 2014. She has received the Landschreiber- and the Dagmar-Morgan award.
»aus der stimmhaft« is Iris Welker-Sturms novel debut. – The writing of the manuscript was kindly supported by a scholarship from the Hessen Ministry of Science and Art and by the Hessen Cultural Foundation.
More information about the author and her publications you can find on the website
In the press:, 13.06.2021
Lesung bei OPEN BOOKs zur Frankfurter Buchmesse, 23.10.2021
Darmstädter Echo, 09.12. 2021,
aus der stimmhaft
Novel about Luise Büchner – Georg Büchner´s Busy Sister
- Hardcover with ribbon
- 312 pages
- for the 200th birthday of Luise Büchner
- includes a detailed glossary,
- Biography and reading list
- also available as an eBook 978-3-86638-341-8
12th of June 2021 marks the 200th anniversary of Luise Büchner's birthday:
Iris Welker-Sturm describes, mainly from the perspective of the main character, in dialogues, letters and dreams, how Luise Büchner, Georg Büchner's little sister, »makes her big brother big«, indeed saves him for posterity and for us in the first place - and above all develops her own voice as an author and campaigner for women's rights; how, despite this, the brothers, family, Gutzkow and the patriarchal society of her time try to override and overrule her; and finally how she makes herself heard, publicly, journalistically and, after her father's death, also literarily.
The action begins in 1838, one year after Georg Büchner's death. Luise is 17 years old. The protagonist's childhood and early youth are illuminated in brief flashbacks. The action ends with Luise's death in 1877. The story is set in Darmstadt and southern Hessen at the time of the Vormärz, the 1848 Revolution, the Restoration and the founding of the German Empire. The text largely sticks to the known historical facts, which Iris Welker-Sturm has researched in the best possible way and to which she adds exciting fictional elements.
For the ones who are especially fond of reading, HERE you can find the reading list, Iris Welker-Sturm has included in her novel.